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2 Denton Roofer Jobs Found
Alejandro B
Denton, Texas
Active over a week ago
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estoy interesado en trabajar y salir adelante apender cosas nuevas y superarme en la vida y ser mejor dia con dia
estoy interesado en trabajar y salir adelante apender cosas nuevas y superarme en la vida y ser mejor dia con dia
Michael K
Denton, Texas
Active over a week ago
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North Texas Marketing and Sales Org Wants To Sell Your Roofing Co. 6 Jobs A Month
I will pay for the leads, set the appointments, price the roof via Eagle View, sell the job, get the contract signed. Your company buys the...
I will pay for the leads, set the appointments, price the roof via Eagle View, sell the job, get the contract signed. Your company buys the job package from me at an agreed upon discounted price.
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