Your Source for Roofers in Seffner, Florida
The #1 way to hire a professional roofer
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2 Seffner Roofers Found
Jason S
Seffner, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Hard worker looking to get back to work.
Yes I am 36 years old. I have been an electrician the past 7 years. The work had got slow and I've been out of work a couple years. I'm look...
Yes I am 36 years old. I have been an electrician the past 7 years. The work had got slow and I've been out of work a couple years. I'm looking to get into a company and stay there for a very long time. I will give that company my best every single day. I'm a hard worker and a perfectionist once I get used to doing something.
Parr I
Seffner, Florida
Active over a week ago
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10 years exp.
Quality Roofing for Less.
At Parr Industries our roofing team has worked in every phase of the roofing process so we know what is involved in all aspects of repairing...
At Parr Industries our roofing team has worked in every phase of the roofing process so we know what is involved in all aspects of repairing or replacing a roof. We take care to keep you, our customers, informed as we go through the construction process. We offer our experience and knowledge to assist in answering any questions and solving problems regarding your roof. Our crew...
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